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Fairisle Junior School

FairisleJunior SchoolSouthampton

Kids ZoneE-Safety


We have spent a considerable time rewriting the school curriculum in order to meet the needs of the learners within our community. This is in line with the Government’s framework for early years and the national curriculum in England:

The National Curriculum in England

Our curriculum aims to deepen children’s learning across a broad and balanced range of learning opportunities. Creativity and a focus on final products and outcomes is an important part of our curriculum design.

We aim to inspire our children to be ‘thirsty learners’ by ensuring that our curriculum:

  • Meets statutory requirements
  • Is broad and balanced
  • Offers first-hand experiences
  • Has clear skills progressions
  • Allows pupils to apply these skills
  • Fosters pride in our school, community and city
  • Promotes health and well-being
  • Promotes the British values
  • Is motivating and engaging for our children

We share high expectations of all stakeholders and ‘expect success’ in all areas of the curriculum.

"Leaders have high ambitions for all groups of pupils, especially those with SEND. They have designed a curriculum that is broad and engages pupils’ interests. The well-designed mathematics curriculum enables pupils to practise and secure key mathematical concepts quickly. Leaders have recently undertaken a review of the foundation subjects to ensure teachers know what all pupils should know and remember in all year groups. In most subjects, pupils’ learning builds upon what they already know and can do. For example, in history, pupils talk about how their learning in previous years is helping them now."

(Ofsted - May 2023)

“The curriculum is lively and interesting. Pupils enjoy the wide range of topics they study. Most pupils enthusiastically participate in a wide range of after-school clubs and activities.”

"The curriculum is broad and balanced. Pupils enjoy learning in a range of subjects and participate well in all areas. Themes such as 'misunderstood monsters' and 'extreme sports' bring subjects together, including history, design technology and science, that capture pupils' interest. Pupils talk enthusiastically about their work and visits to places such as Highclere Castle and Beaulieu, which enhance their learning."

“Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is exceptionally well promoted. Pupils are kind and caring and respect everyone equally. The atmosphere in the school is very harmonious.”

“Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is a strong feature of the school's work. As a result, they are prepared well for life in modern Britain. Pupils learn about different cultures and traditions through their work on, for example, Islam and Hinduism. Work in books shows that pupils share their views on, and explore, a wide range of issues, such as racial prejudice and the impact of bullying.”

“A strong reading culture exists throughout the school. Pupils enjoy reading for pleasure and develop skills to interpret what they read.”

(Ofsted – February 2018)

If you have any questions regarding what our children learn, please contact your child's class teacher, the appropriate year leader, or Holly Cleveley, our Assistant Headteacher (Curriculum).