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Fairisle Junior School

FairisleJunior SchoolSouthampton

Kids ZoneE-Safety


At Fairisle Junior School, we strongly believe that PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, Economic Education) is vital for our children to stay healthy, be safe and become prepared for life – and work – in modern Britain. Our PSHE curriculum underpins the values of our whole school ethos, alongside meeting the aims of the statutory Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and health education guidance. We aim to inspire our children to promote equality, celebrate diversity and become inclusive, considerate members of society.

In PSHE, the children will learn about 3 key areas: sex and relationships, health and wellbeing (including looking after your mental health), and living in the wider world (this encompasses economic wellbeing and being a good citizen). The children will engage in topics such as Black History Month, LGBTQ+ History Month, Anti-Bullying, Disabilities, Jobs and Gender Stereotypes and Keeping Safe.

By the end of Key Stage 2, children will know the nine protected characteristics and the importance of promoting equality. They will also understand the changes they will face as they grow and develop as well as why they happen and how to manage these. All children will know how to form and maintain positive relationships, both in the real world and online; our PSHE curriculum links closely with the Computing curriculum and teaches our children how to look after their digital wellbeing and keep themselves (and others) safe online. As well as looking after their digital wellbeing, our children will know how to look after their physical and mental health and wellbeing. 


Learning about equality is at the heart of our PSHE curriculum.

What is equality?

Equality means recognising and responding fairly to the individual needs and identities of all others. It provides everyone with an opportunity to reach their full potential and have an equal chance to live their life as they choose, regardless of their protected characteristics.  

What are the nine protected characteristics?

Equality at Fairisle

At Fairisle Junior School we pride ourselves on having a diverse community and providing all children with the opportunity to succeed and achieve their best. We have a zero tolerance for discrimination of any form, inside and outside of school (including online).

Key Vocabulary and Definitions:

  • Unfairness - A lack of justice or equality.
  • Injustice - Not fair or just; refers to things that   are not based on things that are morally right.
  • Discrimination - The unjust treatment of categories of people, based on things like race, sex, or ability.
  • Prejudice - Preconceived opinions about  something that aren't based on reason.
  • Harassment - Harassment is unlawful discrimination under the Equality Act 2010 if it’s because of or connected to one of the 9 protected characteristics. Harassment is a type of abuse; it is when a person annoys or upsets someone else, usually repetitively. It's done on purpose and makes the target feel scared, worried or sick from fear. It is unwanted behaviour, which someone finds offensive or makes them feel intimidated or humiliated.

Here's some of our PSHE learning from across the school: