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Fairisle Junior School

FairisleJunior SchoolSouthampton

Kids ZoneE-Safety


You will be given a free school planner every year. The front cover is designed by children in Year 5 before they move to Year 6, so there is a different design each year.

It is your responsibility to take care of your planner and ensure that it is in school every day. If you lose your planner, you will need to purchase a new one. 

In your planner you will find:

  • ‘Expect Success’ and what this means to you
  • Our school rules – 1 Respect, 2 Ready and 3 Safe
  • Our Safeguarding Team
  • Equality Matters
  • Your school uniform
  • Computing - Internet Legends and information on how to keep safe when using technology 
  • Your Birthday Book page
  • Merit Award Chart and Headteacher’s Award Chart – you need to take your planner to Mr Howard if you receive a reward as it’s recorded here!
  • Reading Record Star Chart (you get a star for every day you read at home)

At the back of your planner (after the diary section) there’s all the times table facts you need to learn to help you when completing your homework. There are also the key word lists for Years 1-6 so that you know the spelling that you need to learn. The spelling strategies you’ll learn in school are in your planner too. There's also a page at the very back of your planner for all your login details.

If your parents / carers need to get a message to your teacher, they can write it in your planner for you to show them. Your home reading also needs to be recorded in the diary section. You need to ensure that the book title and pages read are recorded along with an adult's signature in order to receive a star.