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Fairisle Junior School

FairisleJunior SchoolSouthampton

Kids ZoneE-Safety


Please read our policies below.  If you would like a paper copy of any of these, please ask at the school office.

  1. Acceptable Technology Use Policy.pdf
  2. Accessibility Plan 2022-2025.pdf
  3. Accessibility Policy.pdf
  4. Admissions Policy 2022-2023.pdf
  5. Admissions Policy 2023-2024.pdf
  6. Admissions Policy 2024-2025 (FJS - Bridge Trust).pdf
  7. Admissions Policy 2025-2026 (FJS - Bridge Trust).pdf
  8. Appraisal Guidance for Teaching Staff.pdf
  9. Appraisal Guidelines for Support Employees.pdf
  10. Attendance Policy.pdf
  11. Behaviour Policy.pdf
  12. Behaviour Statement of Principles.pdf
  13. Business Continuity Plan.pdf
  14. Capability Procedure (Support Staff).pdf
  15. Charging and Remissions.pdf
  16. Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy.pdf
  17. Children with Medical Needs Who Cannot Attend School Policy - July 2023.pdf
  18. Classroom Placement Protocol.pdf
  19. Complaints Flowchart (Bridge Trust).pdf
  20. Complaints Procedure (Bridge Trust).pdf
  21. Debt Management Policy.pdf
  22. Disciplinary Policy and Procedure (Schools).pdf
  23. Discretionary Pensions Policy (SCC).pdf
  24. Dismissal and Appeal Procedure (Schools).pdf
  25. E-safety policy.pdf
  26. ECT Induction Policy.pdf
  27. End of Day Procedures.pdf
  28. Equality Statement and Objectives 2022-2026.pdf
  29. Feedback Policy.pdf
  30. Flexible Working Request Policy.pdf
  31. Freedom of Information Policy.pdf
  32. Governors Expenses.pdf
  33. Grievance Policy (School Staff).pdf
  34. Health & Safety Policy.pdf
  35. Lettings Policy.pdf
  36. Managing Medicines & First Aid Policy.pdf
  37. Managing Serial & Unreasonable Complaints Policy (Federation).pdf
  38. Off-site activities Policy.pdf
  39. Parent Handbook 2023-2024.pdf
  40. Physical Intervention Policy.pdf
  41. Premises Management Policy (SCC).pdf
  42. Privacy Notice (Governance).pdf
  43. Privacy Notice (Pupils).pdf
  44. Privacy Notice (Workforce).pdf
  45. Procedures for dealing with Allegations of Abuse against staff (Autumn 2023).pdf
  46. Professional Support for Teaching Staff.pdf
  47. Recruitment and Selection Policy.pdf
  48. Relationships and Sex Education Policy.pdf
  49. Safeguarding Policy Annex (COVID 19).pdf
  50. School Uniform Policy.pdf
  51. Schools Right to Request Flexible Working Policy.pdf
  52. Sharing Information with City Council Protocol.pdf
  53. Southampton Records Review & Data Retention Schedule.pdf
  54. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy.pdf
  55. Staff Attendance and Absence.pdf
  56. Teachers Pay Policy.pdf
  57. Whistleblowing Policy - Duty to Act.pdf