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Fairisle Junior School

FairisleJunior SchoolSouthampton

Kids ZoneE-Safety

w/c Monday 18th May

We hope that you have found a routine that works for you whilst learning at home. As we have suggested previously, completing English and maths tasks in the morning before moving onto other areas of the curriculum might work well for you, as this is what you are used to in school. Oak National Academy and BBC Bitesize are continuing to support your home learning and have new weekly schedules of interesting lessons.

Here is this week’s Year 5 schedule for BBC Bitesize:

Check out the lessons for this week (week 5) on Oak National Academy:

Oak National Academy

This week, the English lessons will teach you all about instructions and the maths lessons will be centred around volume. Find out how the rocks on Earth change, learn how to say how you’re feeling in Spanish or learn to sing a harmony line above a melody!

We’ve put the links to some of the most popular websites below. Just click on the logos to be taken to these websites.


Remember that the websites we have signposted you to previously will be continuing to add more learning opportunities. Choose the websites that work best for you!

All Home Lessons - I See Maths

Children's Book Reviews, Recommendations and Free Opening Extracts ...

Southampton FC's Saints Foundation Coaching Week 8th -12th April ...

P.E. With Joe / The Body Coach

Reading and BookTrust

Reading is a vital life skill. It’s really important that you continue to read at home like you would normally do when you are at school. Spend time reading what you enjoy to read. Reading allows you to be transported into new worlds and introduced to new characters. Through reading, you can learn new words, experience different emotions and gain knowledge. Please continue to build reading into your daily routine.

Explore BookTrust HomeTime! There are free online books, videos, games and book-themed quizzes. You can even learn how to draw some of your favourite characters.

Book Trust: Inspiring Reading – Dean Park Primary School


Are you a Spelling Master? Take the quiz to find out! If you are not a Spelling Master yet, don’t worry! Take time to learn the spellings that you found tricky throughout the week. Use a range of strategies to help you to learn them. You could try drawing the shape of the word, clapping the syllables or seeing how many times you can write the word in just one minute! Take the quiz again to see if you have become a Spelling Master!

Do you like computer science? Do you enjoy using Scratch? Are you missing your computing lessons?

Mr Wickins, who is a Computing at School Master Teacher and a primary school teacher, has a range of online lessons using Scratch that are designed for children of junior school age. Watch his videos to learn independently. All of the lessons follow four stages from Task, to Design Algorithm, to Coding and finally to Evaluating/Debugging. The first lesson teaches you how to create a maze game. All of the lessons are short YouTube videos. Click the link below to access them:

Primary Computing Online Lessons Scratch aMaze Game

Have a try and see what you think!

Did you know that this week is British Sandwich Week?

British Sandwich Week (17-23 May 2020) celebrates this ultimate food to go. The sandwich has long been enjoyed in Britain and it is still very much a popular staple lunch.

What is a sandwich?

There is a lot of debate about this! The British Sandwich Association defines a sandwich as: Any form of bread with a filling, generally assembled cold - to include traditional wedge sandwiches, as well as filled rolls, baguettes, pitta, bloomers, wraps and bagels.

Why are they called sandwiches?

According to stories, the modern sandwich is named after Lord John Montague, the 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792), who enjoyed playing cards. As he liked playing cards so much, he did not like to leave a game to eat a meal. He would therefore ask waiters to bring him slices of meat between two pieces of bread. He became known for this and others started asking for “the same as Sandwich!” and this developed and changed to people asking for “a sandwich” instead! And the name stuck!

Did you know that there is a town called ‘Sandwich’?

Sandwich is a town in Kent but the name has no direct connection with a sandwich. Its origin comes from the Saxon meaning for ‘Sandy Place’ or ‘Place on the Sand’.

Can you create your own sandwich?

Design your own sandwiches. One could be your sandwich heaven and the other your sandwich hell! Write a recipe and draw an illustration. You could create an advert to promote your creation.

Scary Story

This year in Year 5, there has been a lot of discussion about the appropriateness of the texts we use in school. Some of you thought that The Highwayman should be banned and others thought that the story was perfectly suited to your age group. You are all familiar with The Highwayman and understand how the author of the poem created tension and fear in their writing.

We would like you to use this knowledge, along with your excellent story writing skills to become an author. Tudor House and Gardens have set a challenge, which is to write a spooky Tudor House ghost story. See the pack attached at the bottom of the page for further details.

Tudor House was built over 500 years ago and has been inhabited by many different people, from Tudor merchants to Victorian hat makers, each with their own unique lives and stories. Use the pack for inspiration! Don’t forget everything we have taught you in school about effective story writing. Remember to think about your ideas first, then plan your story before drafting and editing. Think about your choice of language and how you want your reader to feel as they are reading your story!

When you’ve finished, you could write up your story or even type it. Can you create some illustrations? Good luck!

Experience the paranormal at Tudor House and Garden | VisitEngland


Classroom Secrets have put together new Home Learning Packs for the summer term. There are lots of different English and maths tasks. Please don't worry about the date being wrong. If you like using worksheets for your learning, please take a look at the pack that we've attached. 

Be the teacher! The answers for this Home Learning Pack are attached below. Mark your work to see how you got on.